Sunday, January 3, 2010

Objective Self-Description

His lips are thin, and dry despite his constant application of the chap stick in his left pocket. He might have high cheek bones but honestly he has no idea what that means. He surmises it is something good, a trait that conveys majesty, something people look for in models and royalty. If this is the case he has high cheek bones.

His jaw isn't square, more obtuse, giving his face a longer appearance, tapering to a point at his uncleft chin. The overwhelming gratitude he feels at not having a butt chin is indescribable.

Mostly smooth cheeks, or as smooth as one can be reasonably expected to have from a man who, in his formative years, did not have a firm grasp on the causal relationship between greasy foods and acne. At present his cheeks are half hidden beneath a two and a half week old patina of facial hair which is thin and soft. The sideburns sweep down across his cheeks but refuse to join with the hair on his chin, only his mustache, leaves him disappointed with two bare patches on either side of his chin. The hair itself is thin and soft, not thick and wirey like his European heritage might suggest, more Asian.

Ahh the mighty hair styles of yor he would experiment with were he gifted with a full beard. He has already tried mutton chops. Not much of a challenge since that is what he gets automatically when he doesn't shave anything except his chin. The specific design of his facial hair changes on a whim and since he has neither a steady girlfriend or even some cute girl he is trying to impress there was an opportunity to grow his facial hair out. By this point the under chin and neck hair has gotten long enough to become itchy and he has contemplated shaving, an impulse he'd probably resist for a few weeks longer were it not for a wedding he is attending Saturday. A roommate from college.

He supposes that his nose is about as large as most men's noses, though he can recall a time after his grandfather died when he worried it was too large. His eyebrows are--well frankly they're just eyebrows and not something he particularly troubles himself over other than to occasionally think about shaving them off just to see how it looked and felt (a plan some of his friends have discouraged him from undertaking) and to make sure he learned how to raise just one of them like Spock and all subsequent Vulcans used to do on Star Trek whenever they were puzzled or surprised.

His eyes, as of looking in the mirror this morning, he fears may be spaced to close together, ruining his chances of getting a seven figure contract off a modeling company's talent recruiter whom he meets by chance and blinds with his masculine beauty. His eyes are also brown, and convey--he dearly hopes--a sense of great depth.

The hair on his head is also brown (only women are brunette). It is thick and fairly long at this point though a touch coarse from split ends. His hair has been untouched by any cutting or trimming implement since he last shaved his head a week or two before August. You can probably see his blonde spot which he is told will become a distinguished grey spot when he is older, though he refuses to acknowledge its existence.

He has grown his hair out once before, down to his shoulders. Took him a year and a half. He tried again last winter but ended up shaving it all off at the behest of his mother who subtly hinted that it didn't look very good. His hair is not unruly enough to look good when left to its own devices, but too unruly to take directions from a comb. He wanted straight hair but has a type of hair his mother once told him with a slight frown was called wavy, her ruler straight but permed hair falling in a curly cascade over her shoulder as it had for as long as he could remember.

His ears are small, his left adorned by a small hoop of white gold which he worries from time to time, especially during tests. It was silver before, hes never been much for gold, but looking for an appropriately masculine silver earring to replace the one he lost proved way to time consuming so he went with the white gold. He suspects that it was really just a clever marketing trick, a conscious effort to make all the silver earrings ugly so he'd upgrade to the more expensive white gold. Damn wily retailers.