Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Virtue of Suffering: A First World Story

No one wants to be without AC.

Have you ever seen an infant bite into a lemon for the first time? Yeah, no one gets that face when the landlord tells them they will never have to endure another blast furnace summer.

No one thinks to themselves: 'You know I was really liking this place but if I can't lose 2lbs of water weight every hour I can't live here.' That's just not how it goes.

But I think perhaps the people who have their lives permanently climate controlled are missing out on something. In fact, I think these people are missing out on so many things I am going to make a list.

  1. Fearlessness. You know who isn't afraid to go outside on even the most asphalt melting days? Someone who doesn't have AC. Sure, lets go out for a stroll around the neighborhood, can't be any hotter than it is here.
  2. Cold Showers. People with AC do not take cold showers. People with AC don't need to take cold showers they just sit on the couch and the perfectly manicured air wicks the heat from their skin. Of course if you have the misfortune of being without AC you know just how awesome a cold shower can feel on those days when stepping out of the cool refreshing oasis that was your cold shower you feel the first drops of sweat beading on your skin before you can even open your shower curtain.
  3. Hot Showers. If you have AC you get to take these year round, but there is something to be said for the common being the enemy of luxury. If all your meals are cooked by a world famous chef suddenly it isn't some mind altering gustatory experience, its lunch.
    Similarly those who never lack for a hot shower cannot fathom the rain of warmed ambrosia that is a hot shower on a cold day. 
Ok, it was a short list. When I started I thought there would be more items to put on the list. Of course the internet has the attention span of a gnat anyway so you can thank me for keeping the list short.