Monday, March 27, 2023

Rule 3: Headphone Allergies

There is a disease out there, ravaging the lives of millions.
It attacks their brain, making them incapable of enjoying things they once loved.
I'm speaking, of course, of headphone allergy.

it sounds like a joke at first.
But when you can no longer wear headphones and want,
need to blast all audio out of your phone at maximum volume
the suffering begins.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Lets start with: what are headphones?
Headphones are those miracles of modern technology that allow you to transmit,
through a cable or beam through bluetooth, 
the sound from your phone directly to your ears.
This means not everyone in the world has to hear what is going on;
just you.

Headphone allergy totally prevents that.
It causes a <medical science> in the <brain part> that <medical science> and <medical science>.

Now that we understand what it is and how it works, 
it is important to note their are different flavors of the disease.

In this flavor of headphone allergy the sufferer will get into the uber car
and immediately start calling everyone on their contacts list.
On speaker phone.

When they get ahold of someone they then start chatting
about who is sleeping with who, 
my recent medical conditions with in depth descriptions, 
what would happen if I really lost my temper with this gal, 
or whatever other highschool drama
everyone gets to hear both sides of the conversation.

It also means if I turn the music up to try and block you out,
you just talk louder and all we get to hear is discordant mess,
or you tell me with varying levels of exasperation to turn the music down,
because can't I see you're on the phone?

The second flavor of headphone allergy makes the sufferer crave bad rap.
The kind that drops the N-bomb multiple times in the opening lines
has the lyrical sophistication of a brick,
and was written (and performed) by a guy 
who sounds like he dropped out of grade school 
after flunking a vocabulary quiz.

Man! I'm just so impressed with this guy assuring me that he's awesome I'm now convinced hes awesome!
I mean when he says:
These <N-bomb> can't handle me, 
I slept with all their <B-ladies>, 
these <N-bomb> want to be me, 
<N-bomb>, I drive a <fast car>
<N-bomb> I smoke, I drink, I drug
<responsible authorities> try to stop me
<N-bomb> I tell them <F-bird>

I'm so glad you introduced me to this amazing lyricist, 
I'm going to look this guy up when I get home!

The third flavor of headphone allergy causes the afflicted to start trawling through tik tok.
I'm sure the video of an infant wailing 
after being startled by the crash of falling pots and pans
while some donkey brays laughter was entertaining the first time,
but it only gets really good after the sixth time 
when you've read all the text that flashes onscreen.

JUMPING to that next one 
where the female robot tik tok voice reads out raunchy garbage
JUMPING to the next untold number of clips 
which were mostly warmed over memes everyone has heard 1,000 times already 
all with zero context for any of it.

Da Club
The only thing better than going to a party
is watching clips from the party filmed by your drunk friends.

Its basically like being at the club.
a club that is playing music that I've never heard of
and isn't very good
while sloshed girls shout incoherently
all mashed together and played out of tiny blown out speakers.

And if you thought the part where they were shouting "yeeaaahh!" was exciting,
just wait till you see the part were they start screaming "OOHHHH!".

the good news is,
there does seem to be a cure for this horrific condition:

Highschool and above your chances of falling prey 
to this vicious disease is significantly reduced.

But what is the rule here?
Well there are a few of rules:
Rule 3: Don't suffer from headphone allergy.
Rule 4: If you do suffer from headphone allergies, don't take uber.
Rule 5: Stay in school.

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