Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baltimore Marathon

So one of my roommates is apparently a very serious runner. He is doing some traveling for work right now but soon after he returns from that he is spending something like a month up in Alaska to run a marathon there.

Thus it comes as no real surprise that he would get a pamphlet for the Baltimore Marathon in the mail yesterday. However owing to the fact that he was out of town and apparently so were all my other roommates that day as I was the one to get the mail at 10:30pm. Anyway I saw the Baltimore Marathon pamphlet and was instantly curious.

It said the marathon was being held on October 16th, which isn't so close that it would be full and that I actually had a chance to enter. I had been seeing Baltimore marathon jerseys around in the jogging I've been doing and I readily admit, they are pretty sweet. I was covetous, I wanted one.

Then I went online and looked at the race map. My reaction is more or less the transcript that follows.
Me: Alright, lets just have a look.


A marathon. You literally run forever.

This got me wondering, if, despite my enthusiasm, I was anywhere near in shape to run that kind of distance. So I decided the next day I was going to test out doing some serious distance.

I decided to double the distance I had worked up to on my own thus far 10k in that 20k is roughly half a marathon. A marathon being 26.2 miles and the actual course they have set being 26.7 miles (43.02km) .

I left my house without my customary ipod (the website says music devises are allowed but strongly discouraged) or even shades which I had left in my car and was too lazy to go get which I rationalized as my saving weight at around 6:30am. I returned at exactly 8:00am. Looking up my route I fell a touch short of my goal of a half marathon covering approx. 19.6052 km (12.1821 miles) .

I want to do this. My finish will likely be pretty ugly, but so long as I can manage to keep myself jogging and not walk I think I can do it.

An interesting note aside: Google pedometer from which I am getting the distance estimates that I did today estimates the number of calories I burned based on my weight (170lbs) as 1,566.2

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