Sunday, November 10, 2013

Project Radiolab Playlist

For the unenlightened Radiolab is the beauty of the universe rendered into sound, spoken in a language equal parts science and poetry. 

It is wonder and wisdom.

And it is produced by secretive gnomes who guard jealously guard their magic against anyone who would peek into their secrets. By which I mean their playlist.

Time after time I have combed the comments section on the Radiolab website to see oceans of people like me begging to have them release their playlists for such and such episode because the song at some particular point was simply amazing.

Through Radiolab I found Zoe Keating, and then proceeded to download all 3 of her albums (2 of them you can get on Amazon but her best album "Into the Trees" you have to go through iTunes).
My favorite far and away is Escape Artist

Through Radio Lab I found Max Richter's Vladimir's Blues, an awesome little piano piece (Amazon again)
Which you can sample:

In any event the mission is clear, since Radiolab won't do it, by the power of the internet I will.

I am going to create a list by episode of the songs.

I NEED YOUR HELP! A lot of this music is outside my experience so if you know a song leave a comment telling me:
1. Artist
2. Song title
3. When it happens in the episode (ex: 22:23-23:01, etc.)
4. Ideally where I can download it (Legally please, lets support the artists who give us such beauty)

Lets do this!

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