Sunday, December 9, 2012

Adventures in Internet Dating Part 2: An Unexpected Follow Up

Being 6'1" I a accustomed to looking down to some degree if I wish to make eye contact with a woman.

This was before I met with The Tall Lady Brunch Society.

I was a out on the town in DC with a friend of mine. A 5'5" mousey girl with straight shoulder length hair and a passion for interesting shoes and 90's rap, I have known Sammy since grade school and is one of two people I hung out with in High school that I actively maintain contact with.

In any event over the course of things we dropped by one of her friend's apartments, the inestimable and Founder of the Tall Lady Brunch society, Ms Julie.

The apartment building was swanky; the kind of place that has art tastefully arranged on comfortable furniture in common areas that no one will ever use and nary a speck of dust to be spotted. We take a key fob operated elevator to the third floor, wander down a plushly carpeted hallway through a large wooden door and into the presence of the Tall Lady Brunch Society.

This is not to say it was currently brunch, this was more of a football Saturday informal gathering. Strewn over several couches and over stuffed chairs facing a large flat screen tv are seated a group of 5 all in their mid twenties watching a college football game.

Of the group two catch my attention. One, a blonde wearing a Michigan jersey, catches me off balance by telling me, her eyes not leaving the screen, that the good guys are ahead, following her statement with a loud 'Gators!' in a strong southern slur.

The other is a brunette who, unfolding herself from the chair she had scrunched herself into to get some finger food on the table by the TV, is unexpectedly close to eye level with me. I do not remember clearly, but I can well imagine that a sly smile crept over my face at that moment.

In the Tall Lady Brunch Society Sammy is an honorary member, like the class guinea pig is nominally a part of the class. I was to learn later that the shortest of the full members is a mere 5'9". Ms Julie coming in a 6' dead, and another member not then present 6'1".

We did not stay long, only just long enough to finish a sup of tea to fortify us against the cold of the day before Sammy and I wandered on. We met up with the group later though at the bars and I don't know if it was just her or if it was the 4-5 shots of caramel vodka I had had at Sammy's place before we went out but I found Ms Julie remarkably easy to talk to.

I am not sure we share a single common interest but I found myself just nattering on about random things. Internet, I think it is safe to say that I would not mind bumping in to Ms Julie the next time I am out in DC.

Alas it is that I foresee the seeds of my destruction already evident.

You see the great tragedy of tall women is that being women they still want their man to be taller, and not just taller but head and shoulders taller. Tall women still cling to that fantasy that all women have that the man they are with will be able to rest his arms on their shoulders without having to point them skyward.

Sadly I cannot meet this criteria. Of course, being the smooth talking, sly grinning fellow I am this will not stop me from trying.

Note to the Internet: Sometimes when you drink wine out of a large mason jar you have trouble gauging how much wine you have poured for yourself and you end up telling the world a great deal more than you expected.

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