Monday, November 28, 2011


I just dreamed that I was running for the republican nomination.  It was against a different field of candidates and we were herded together into some stale little room that looked like it was furnished by a bunch of college stoners on a budget.  We were there to wait for a toad faced tv anchor who was going to ask us some questions for a quick profile and TV interview she was doing (think more something you would see on Face the Nation, than a debate).

It was a pretty loose affair once she started asking questions it was a race for the most outrageous and provocative answer that would get the speaker camera time.  I remember that as it was finally my turn to speak on the issue, and I got ready to deliver my well thought through answer, which I was not so secretly pleased to give as it was going to cut my rivals positions ribbons, I was outshouted by one of the practiced blowhards around me.

After the cameras where capped and the lights were shut off, gathering her bag my eyes met the tv anchor's.  She gave me a shrug as she fastened her coat and left.

Later I went to the Blair house, the Vice President's residence where I tracked water and mud onto the nice hardwood floor.  Sharing a cold deli pickle with a Secret Security coworker we lamented my poor performance in the interview and how I wasn't actually old enough to run for president anyway.

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