Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Vaccine Saga Part II: Bill Gates and his Super Secret Sneaky Agenda to Gleefully Devour Murdered Babies

So it was that when last we left our hero he was sorely beset all round.  Haughtily had he stridden taken the field thinking to glory himself battling in the name of truth and justice, the bright blade of discernment in hand.  But no contest of arms was there to be had.  For his foe met him not with rational argument, but with righteous indignation and smarmy condescension.  Armored thus the keen edge of rational thought could find no chink, and our hero did not stand long before this fell tide.

The brave boy was forced to flee.  Gravely wounded was his pride and some there were that believed it would prove mortal, yet glad were all when he proved master to the injury and this is the tale I shall tell you now.

It irked me for a long time after that my dad had won that argument. Well, not won so much as I let him win. I lacked the evidence to contradict him directly and with my dad as worked up as he was, pounding the theory that Bill Gates was not so secretly pushing vaccine use to euthanize untold millions of people, it was going to take nothing short video evidence to prove to him that this was not in fact the case.

This I did not have, and since discretion is the greater part of valor and good dinner table manners I had to set it aside.  Additionally I am a practical man, and at just that moment it happened that I was a hungry practical man. I decided with little regret that I would rather content my belly than my reason.

Days passed, each day bringing with it the nagging thought that I should look up that video my dad was going on and on about.  The one where Bill Gates admits to crimes against humanity. For one reason or another I did not look it up, lack of time, lethargy, and a pernicious disinterest making the call to look the video up a little fainter each day.

Until I confess, it was all but forgotten.

Call it divine inspiration, call it a lark, call it a prickly sense of justice, one day I awoke to find that I had decided I was going to prove my father wrong and it was going to glut myself on sweet, savory, victory.


The first part was easy to find.  Just typing in Bill Gates Vaccine the helpful algorithms is already suggesting I complete my search terms with 'Depopulation'.  Those clever conspiracy types with their euphemisms for 'super villainous death monger'.

If you have the time and find a bracing dose of crazy amusing I quite recommend watching some of them. Clearly I had found the very font of journalistic excellence and was about to be provided with first rate balanced coverage of the issue.  Renowned authors TheTrutherGirls, EyezOpenWide2, Seattle4Truth, and ScreamingStoic all weighed in with their videos, keeping company with other videos under such even handed titles as:

Bill Gates EXPOSED! Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines
Bill Gates: Depopulation, Vaccines, & Dead Babies
Bill Gates wants Major Depopulation though vaccines
and just in case you had any doubts
Bill Gates admits that Vaccines are used for DEPOPULATION, Not For Making People Healthy

Clearly, my father is not alone.

I sigh.  It is the drawn out sigh of a long sufferer. Of a man about to engage a task he know will be difficult, who knows he will relish the conquest, when he stands atop the mountain a conqueror, but knows also that the climb will fray his resolve, the kind of sigh full of secret relish.

Weathered of feature and grim of countenance. Our boy hero goes to the fray silent as stalking death. His sword raised he is ready to cut down this ancillary host of the enemy.  The sun above favors him with special beams whose light glimmers and slides about his well polished mental mail of sound judgement. The foes are many and he will not be able to raise his sword arm for weariness by the time night has come, but stalwart of conviction he remains, come what may.

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